Join The FlowBlend Freedom Program and Save 10% on your first 3 orders. Most people quit within the first 30 days.
If you are serious about quitting, we are serious about helping.
Big Tobacco wants you weak.
The Chew Can or pack of Smokes is our enemy.
Nicotine freedom is the answer.
Do you feel trapped by the addiction?
Have you felt bad about whats going into your body?
We found a way out.
We should be able to create our own experience as the day goes along.

We understand what its like to be addicted to a shitty product.
Have you ever tried to find out the ingredients of a traditional can of dip? How about what actually goes into cigarettes?
It's not available to general public, and you wouldn't like what you read.
Even All White Nicotine Pouches are loaded with artificial sweeteners that can cause damage to your cognitive function and body health.

Heres The Plan:
FlowBlend will give you 10% off for your first 3 orders.
All you have to do is this...
1.) Apply to join the FlowBlend Family.
2.) Open the E-mail that has your discount code.
3.) You now have a coupon code specific to you for 10% off.
FlowBlends mission is to reduce suffering and empower our customers. Creating personal freedom is what this is all about. And we want to share our success with you.
The Relentless, Driven, and Adventurous, We Salute You!